King James Bible ×

What's Next for Me?
Are you new to Grace Baptist Church?
Let us help you determine your next steps.




Do you know what the most important decision of your life is? It is a decision that will set your path for eternity. Salvation is the decision you must make to ensure a home in Heaven when you leave this world in death. It would be an honor to work with you and teach you God's way of salvation. Click here to learn more about how you can have eternal life with Christ in Heaven when you die. This is the first step to hope and purpose in your life.

Congratulations on becoming a new Christian! Now that you have been saved, what's next? The Bible teaches that baptism is a symbol-an outward expression of an inward decision. In the life of every Christian, it is an important first step of obedience to God in which I declare, to others, my faith in Christ. As a wedding ring identifies a husband with his wife, so baptism identifies a Christian with Christ. That identity is in Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. - Romans 6:3-5

Baptism not only identifies us with His local church and its doctrine. When you are baptized, you become a member of this local church. - Acts 2:41-42

Here are some additional verses of scripture that may be helpful to you: Acts 8:37; Matthew 28:19; Matthew 3:13; John 1:26; Mark 1:9-10; Acts 2:38; Acts 8:38; Acts 9:18 Acts 16:30-33;

Now that you have been saved and baptized, it's time to learn more about the God of our salvation. As Christians, our goal should always be to know God better, every day of your life (Philippians 3:10). Here at Grace Baptist Church, we believe strongly that our role is to make sure you have the tools to do that effectively. There are two things we would like you to be a part of in your journey to knowing God: (1) enroll in our new members class to learn more about our church beliefs and the expectation of it's members, (2) enroll in a one-on-one discipleship Bible study class at an arranged time outside of normal church services via online meeting or in-person. Click here to contact us and share your desire for discipleship.

We are grateful to have you as a part of our church. Now that you have been saved and baptized, have you joined our church as a member? If not, membership is the next step. Please contact Pastor Beck about membership as he would love to discuss this more with you.

If you are a member, there are many areas that we would love to have you minister in. Some of our church needs include door to door soul winning outreach, special singing in the services, choir singing, playing the piano, working in the nursury, teaching Sunday School or a Teen class, being a greeter, cleaning the church, and many other things. If you have an interest in one or more of these items (or want to discuss something different), contact Pastor Beck.